Here you can find relevant project information and technical requirements for the use of this web-site in a brief overview. If you have questions please do not hesitate to communicate with us via the contact form directly.
Publishing and Responsibility © VISA-consortium
The responsible consortium of the project VISA consists of the following institutes and enterprises:
- DECOIT GmbH & Co. KG, germany: Bremen (consortium manager)
- Fraunhofer-Institut for Secure Informationtechnology SIT, germany: Darmstadt
- Collax GmbH, germany: Ismaning
- Fachhochschule Dortmund (FHD), germany: Dortmund
- NICTA, australia: Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra und Brisbane
- IT-Security@Work GmbH, germany: Mainz
Design, text, graphics, and software © VISA-consortium
Copy, replication, or another type of reproduction or usage of the information respectively materials of this websites is only possible with written approval of the VISA consortium. The VISA consortium is responsible for the contents of this internet presence. For contents which result from passings to other suppliers of content, the VISA consortium does not assume any responsibility or liability.
Technical requirements
This web-site is optimized for Mozilla Firefox 3.5, Internet Explorer 8.0, Google Chrome 10, Opera 11, Safari 5 and following browser-versions on Linux/Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/MAC with a screen resolution of 1280x800 pixel. For plenary use of all functions JavaScript should be activated. For the use of some contents you may need additional software, such as the Acrobat Reader of Adobe.
Implementation and webdesign has been realized by DECOIT GmbH & Co. KG (